Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley
Corowa Chamber Dinner22nd November 2023
Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley, Governor of New South Wales, recently graced our region with her presence, marking a significant event for the Corowa Business Chamber and the local community. A major highlight of her visit was a formal dinner on November 22nd, hosted by Mr. Dean Druce, the Managing Director of the Corowa Distilling Company. This memorable evening saw the attendance of over 60 special guests, including the Mayor of Federation Council, Pat Bourke and his wife Natascha, General Manager Adrian Butler and his wife Rebecca, along with councillors Sally Hughes and Rowena Black.
The dinner showcased the best of our local cuisine, fine wines, and whisky. Guests were enthralled by the entertainment provided by local talents Dylan Forge and Craig Quilliam, leading into a performance by the Corowa Festival of Dance, expertly directed by Geoff & Elaine Mallows. The evening reached its zenith with a progressive dance, choreographed by the renowned Anthony Pepers, which saw many guests joining in.
In addition to the dinner, Her Excellency’s visit included a diverse range of activities. She began her day with Federation Councillors and staff, followed by a visit to Lowesdale Primary School, one of the state smallest. Her Excellency also participated in windrowing at Graeme Hicks property, and concluded her visit with a tour of Rivalea, showcasing the rich offerings of the Corowa area. A visit to Amaranth provided her with insights into the significant community work addressing local needs.
As a business chamber, we are extremely pleased to have had the opportunity to showcase our regions strengths and potential, focusing on enhancing liveability and visitation. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Her Excellency for her valuable time and presence, and to Mr. Dean Druce for hosting this remarkable event. We eagerly anticipate her return and are proud to highlight the vibrancy and collaborative spirit of our community through such
prestigious events.
John Crothers
On behalf of the Corowa Business Chamber

Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley, Governor NSW

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Corowa Business CHamber